
Whistle Blower Policy

Kliq Pte Ltd Singapore is a subsidiary Company of Merchantrade Asia Sdn Bhd has a Whistleblowing Policy which enables genuine and legitimate concerns to be raised by employees or counterparts. It is our commitment to provide a safe and accessible channel to report on any violation, suspected violation, misconduct, criminal offence or illegal acts involving the company’s personnel. The policy provides an opportunity for those concerns to be investigated and for appropriate action to be taken to ensure that the matter is resolved effectively and within the company wherever possible.

Concerns when encountering incidents that involve

  • criminal offences (e.g. types of financial impropriety or fraud);

  • failure to comply with Kliq Pte Ltd rules or local laws;

  • injustice / mistreatment on people;

  • endangering of someone’s health and safety;

  • damage to company property or resources;

  • covering up wrongdoing in the above categories

Kliq Pte Ltd undertakes to protect the whistle-blower by ensuring the following:

  • Retaliation: Anyone who lodges a complaint under this policy and acting in good faith, will not suffer harassment, retaliation or adverse employment consequence;

  • Assurance of Confidentiality: the identity of the person making the report or compliant will be kept confidential as far as possible, consistent with the need to conduct an adequate investigation. However, it may eventually be necessary for the party making the report to come forward to be a witness for the Company in subsequent disciplinary proceedings.

Reports may be submitted on a confidential basis or anonymously by:

  • E-mail: